Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Today during Book Club, I want you to practice the skill of Word Smith.  As you are reading, write or mark with a post it note 3 words or phrases that you find interesting, powerful, or intriguing.  Tell us about them and why you chose them or why you think the author used these particular words.  Go deep and be very thoughtful about this assignment.  Reply to someone else's post.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think Mary Pope Osborne wrote the words absolute,distance,and amazing because she probably wanted to describe other words.

    1. Why did you publish twice?

    2. It was an accident.

    3. What do you mean she wants to describe other words

    4. By that I mean she might have wanted to use them as adjectives. For example she used absolute to describe the word silence.

    5. Hi, Triston I think that in your sentence that you might want to add spaces after you commas and I think is a pretty good opening it draws readers into your writing because they want to know what you think.

    6. Thanks for the advice. I'll keep that in mind next time.

  3. The three words that I picked that I think are interesting are Grimacing,Hobble, and Apoplecticially.I picked them because they look like hard words.Also I picked them because I want to learn these words.My last opinion why I picked these three because I never seen these words ever.These words are hard thats why I want to learn about these word and what they mean

    1. Hi I like how strong your words were.Was there any other strong words in you book?We had some powerful words in our book.

    2. Hello, Those words mean lots of different meanings that match other words'. In other words, they have lots of synonyms.

    3. Hi, I like your blog but I think you should put spaces after your commas and periods and I like how you put three reasons to go with all the words not one per word.

    4. Philo, I like the words you picked. I am not sure I even know the meaning of one of them. I would have to see the sentences they were in so that I could infer the meanings. The word hobble makes me think of a little old woman swaying back and forth as she walks down a road. I would love for you to let us know what apoplecticially means.

    5. Hi Philo,I like the words you wrote they are very deep.

    6. Hi Mrs,Gray,Hobble means when somebody is walking in a wierd way.Grimacing means when somebody is giving you a frown

  4. My first word I picked was ancient because I have heard it before but I think the author picked because it is better to use than old.My second word was worn I picked it because i've heard i've worn this shirt before bu I have not heard the leather was smooth and worn but,I think hte author pickeed because he wanted to use a stronger vocabulary.My third one was crept I think the author picked it beacause it would be stronger than just saying sneeked.

    1. Hi Brooklynn I really liked the words you picked,can you tell me a little more information about the word worn?

    2. Worn is like dameged

    3. Brooklynn, I also love the word ancient. I think it goes great with Philo's work hobble. An ancient old woman hobbled down the crooked road. I think that we may actually be using the word wrong though. Ancient should probably only be used for things that are really old, like pyramids.

  5. The reason I find the word hate powerful is because, in church the word hate is a word you should never use.

    1. Hey, I think you should have a few more sentences and words because that sentence was "powerful".

  6. [creep i think it's interesten because it is good vocab and it sounds cool.] [trapdoor at first i did not know what it ment a door in the floor.][cover at first i did not know what tipe it ment but now i know thares a lot of words that sound like cover]

    1. Hi, I think you should spell interesten interesting and have your I's uppercase and have a more powerful word than "cool" tipe is spelled type and thares is spelled theres and ment is meant, add a period at the end.

  7. The reason I find the word hate powerful is because, in church the word hate is a word you should never use.

    1. why did you do the some thing 2 times
      but i like you're word

    2. I like when you said that hate is a bad word.

  8. I think Thomas Rockwell used the words cripes,agony,and scuffing because he probably wanted to use different words to be a substitute for the average words that don't give you a lot information.

    1. I like your opinion Elle.What does the word agony mean

    2. Hi I like all you words. What do they mean?Do the words remind you of any other words?

    3. Grimacy means when your giving a frown look to somebody

    4. I like how you picked strong words. It looks like a good book. Also I like your how you put your opinion in.

    5. Hobble mean when somebody walks in a wierd way or akward way

    6. Thankyou justice does ancient mean like a long time ago

    7. Hi Philo I like your words too. Also agony means hurt,sadness, or down in the dumps.

  9. I think Mary Pope Osborne used the words ancient,deserted,and mist because she wanted to go into detail with all of the words. The first word i picked was ancient i like how she used ancient and not old. My other word was deserted i think she made a great choice by using more bigger word. My last word was mist, I just think that mist fit right in.

    1. Hollo Justice I think you pick out gart words and i think your book sounds gart.

    2. Hi Justice you did a good job at wording your blog, but you forgot to uppercase your "I" so in the future look out for that.

    3. Hi,Justice! I really like your post, and the words that you chose. But next time when you post make sure that you make your I's capital. Other than that your post was fantastic.

    4. Hi,Justice! I really like your post, and the words that you chose. But next time when you post make sure that you make your I's capital. Other than that your post was fantastic.

  10. My three sentences are. One "True," said Swyn because his name is actually spelled Sweyn. My 2nd sentence is The quarantine sign on our house because it makes me wonder what quarantine means. My third sentence is Saturday morning after filling up the woodboxes and coal buckets...

  11. The 3 words that I chose are Apoplectically,Agony,and Grimacy.I picked these words because it sounds like to deep and I also liked how the author said "Then Alan yelled apoplectically" the word apoplectically sounds like i want to use that word one day.

    1. Hello, those were great decisions for words. Especially apoplectically, that one's catchy.

    2. Hi Kero I like how you picked the word apoplectically,but could you tell me what it means.

    3. I like how you actualy used deep meaning words but i wish you would have told me more about the words.

    4. Hi, please remember the space after the comma and period I like how you ended your sentence.

  12. I think the author wrote the word bug-eyed because Jd eyes were big.The author wrote the word dumb founded because Tom brother Jd admitted that he didn't know every thing in the world.The author used the word financial bonanza because Tom was trying to get out of trouble with his mother for getting pennies from his daddy water closet.

  13. I think the phrases thanks a lot pete everybody was happy til you got home was surprising,because fudge was being mean.

  14. I think some words that are kind strong are strong are golden sunlight,immune,and genuine. I think golden sunlight is powerful because it is an amazing describing word to use. The reason why I think immune is a good word to use because we don't really use the word immune.Also I think the author thought genuine was a good word because it is a really interesting describing word.

    1. These words seem very good to use, tell me if the book is good too.

  15. The reason I find the word hate powerful is because, in church the word hate is a word you should never use,and I know how it feels to hate something and when you use the word hate its just anger that you let out.I want to know more about the word hate know what its true meaning is

    1. Cameron you have very great sentences and punctuation.

    2. Hi Camryn i really like the word choice you used it helps me understand your writing better

  16. I think the sentence "Thanks a lot,pete. Everybody was happy 'til you got home"Was important because I though that sounded like me because I said that to my brother.

  17. In my book Poppy i think the author wrote the words or phrases tar road across the bridge and beyond new field,and delegation to go through the formality,and then accommodating.I think the author wrote these words because he wants to make you feel like your in the story.He also probably dose not want to use baby words like he went,or painful.

  18. In our book Poppy I chose the words insignificant,delegation,and accommodating.I chose these words because they seem to be very deep,and are good for writing.I would like to learn these words because I don't usually see these words.

  19. I think that the quarantine is a interesting word because I wonder how someone made up that word.in my book,the great brain,john D said "the mumps" I wonder if the mumps is a disease or something like a disease.Another word I found interesting was commission,I wanted to find out what it meant and if its a synonym for a different word.The third word I found interesting was aduocate is, I think that it is something on a radio or it's a news show.

  20. I think in your book Poppy these three words stood out to me the most,Loyal,Delegation,and sputtered.The first one I want to talk about is loyal. I think that loyal means strong and true to who ever speaks to them.Loyal is used in many different stories and books and it defenetly goes whit Poppy's dad lungwart.The next word I want to talk about is delegation. Delegation is a word that means a group of people or things. that defentaly goes with this chapter because in this chapter Lungwort has called a meeting with all the mice and told them what he was going to say. The last word I want to say is Sputtered. Sputtered means that there is a spilling sound. I think this was a really good word for this chapter because she is really adventures in this chapter.

  21. In our book Poppy I chose the words delegation, sputtered, and stammered.I think the author used the word delegation because that is a better word than saying a group of people who are chosen to vote.I chose the word stammered because it sounded like a interesting word.I think the author used the word sputtered because it is a word that you do not normally see a lot and I think the author wanted to be unique.
