Monday, September 19, 2016

Today in Book Club, you  are all "THE Gossip".  I want you to get "the dish" on each of the characters in the reading.  Record both physical and personality traits.  Make sure you write examples to back up each trait.  Then respond to one other post from someone who is not in your club.


  1. In our story there is two main characters,Jack and Annie. Jack is the one that reads books then checks reality. Annie is a girl that instead of checking stuff she just does it.

  2. In our book Tom decides to make money off his Dad'
    Magic Water Closet and his Mom is at the Hospitalbut when she comes back his mom tells him to pay every customer back and takes the money out o his allowance. will tom have to quit using his brain or will his mom forgive him and let him use his brain

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    2. Hi that sounds like a good book but is there any other main characters in your book that the author describes or talks a lot about?

    3. The mom she got Tom in trouble

  3. Tom personality trait is helpful because he doesn't want John to make their Mom even madder.

    1. I want to know about your book Tyler.

    2. Philo my book is about this boy who father builds a water closet.John thinks it's ok to charge the people 1 penny to come in and see the water closet .But his mom does not.

  4. One of my favorite character is Billy because he's brave that he is gonna eat 15 worms for 50 dollars.Also he's white and has brown eyes.My other favorite character is Alan because maybe he is gonna give Billy 50 dollars for 15 worms.Alan is small and has red hair.My third favorite character is Joe.Joe is my third favorite character because he is gonna maybe pay 50 dollars to Billy.Joe has big brown eyes with dark hair and a long nose.

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  5. We only have two main characters in our book.Jack has brown hair he is seven years old.I think Jack was a little scared because crocodile might have been following them.Also I think he was a little bit excited because they got back to the tree house.Another reason I think he was scared because a random knight picked them up and rode of with but he was helpful because he dropped them of at the tree house.Annie has brown hair and she is seven years old.I think she was a little scared because Jack told her there might be crocodiles.I think she was also excited because a knight had picked them up and why I think that is because at the beginning she wanted to see and meet a knight.

  6. In my book,The Knight at Dawn,there are only two characters. Annie is one character, Annie is very curious I know because in The Knight at Dawn, she went to the tree house and wished to go to the castle . Jack is the other character I think he is smart and takes the easy way out of things. I know that because in the book Jack didn't want to go to the castle and also he help annie get back home.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Jack has brown hair with glasses and also he's seven. Annie has brown hair also and seven.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. My book is How to Eat fried worms and there are 2 main characters in the book.The main character is Billy and he is a short boy with dark hair and brown eyes.He will do any bet if he gets a prize because he is going to eat a lot of worms for 50 dollars.The second main character is Alan and he has red hair and is small too.He argues a lot because he was arguing that Billy wouldn't actually eat anything.

    1. This looks like a really good book.But I think it is silly to eat worms for only fifty dollars.

  8. In my book,The Knight at Dawn,there are only two characters. Annie is one character, Annie is very curious I know because in The Knight at Dawn, she went to the tree house and wished to go to the castle . She also has brown and she's also seven. Jack is the other character and he has brown hair,he's seven,and he has glasses. I think he is smart and takes the easy way out of things. I know that because in the book Jack didn't want to go to the castle and also he help annie get back home.

  9. In our book we have two main character is Poppy and Mr.Ocax.Poppy is a brown and white mouse that is very shy.She is not very happy in this chapter because her best friend had just died in the first chapter.Poppy's nose had gotten scratched after Mr.Ocax was trying to eat her.Even though Poppy is very scared and confused now,I am sure she will find her way.the last main character in the book is Mr.Ocax. Mr.Ocax is a very tricky character in this book.He is a big bird with white and black feathers.He is very slick because he tricks the mice saying,"If you let me be your ruler I will protect you from danger." But he really wants to eat them when they are not expecting it. But hopefully at the end the horned owl Mr.Ocax and the deer mouse Poppy will become friend at the end of the book.

    1. Emily how did her best friend die

    2. Mr.Ocax killed the other mouse.

  10. In my book The Great Brain ,J.D is one of the main characters he has brown hair and freckles.Tom D who is also known as the great brain looks kind of like his brother.I saw this on the front page.Fred Harvey is a middle aged plumber whose face looks like he just took a bite out of a very sour pickle, the author revealed this in the third page.

    1. You did a good job at describing how they look Varsha but how do they act?

  11. One of the characters is peter and he looks ok,and he his a littal bother fudge,he has hair that is oring,another characters is fudge and he looks like his older bother peter,his hair is oring,like his bother,and hey have a litale sister tootsie.I have not seen toosie.

  12. In our book there are only two main characters so far, Poppy and Mr.Ocax, Poppy is a brave little white and brown deer mouse.I know she is a brave soul because she went through so much like her friend ,Ragweed, being eaten by Mr.Ocax, or her almost being eaten by Mr.Ocax.Mr.Ocax is a black and white feathered horned owl.Mr.Ocax is a mean grouchy owl and I know because he ate Ragweed and he was hunting down Poppy trying to eat her.

  13. In our book we have two main characters.One is Poppy,and the other is Mr.Ocax.Poppy is a is a small scared yet courageous yellow,and brown deermouse.On the other hand Mr.Ocax is a big mean horned owl.He promised he wouldn't eat all the mice if they asked for pirmisson to go places.When Poppy saw Ragweed die she fainted ,and now she wants to fight back.

  14. There are three main charactors in my book How to Eat Fried Worms Billy is a chubby boy who has a lot of will power and will never give up if its for a bet. Tom is a short brown haired boy who is Billy's best friend, he loves to encourage Billy, like when Billy said i cant eat this all i think about is worm, , worm. Its ok Billy just think about the minni bike. Alan is a red head who argues on a regular baces and doubts a lot. Like when he said to Billy i bet you won't eat 15 worms,even if you start you'll chicken out.

    1. Did Billy ever make or accept a bet?

    2. Did Billy ever make or accept a bet?

  15. In my book Poppy, there are only two characters. My first character is Poppy. She is a deer mouse and her colors are brown and white. My second character is Mr. Ocax. He just ate Poppy's best friend Ragweed. He is a brown owl.

  16. In my book Poppy, there are only two characters. My first character is Poppy. She is a deer mouse and her colors are brown and white. My second character is Mr. Ocax. He just ate Poppy's best friend Ragweed. He is a brown owl.
